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أكتشف الخدمات

مجموعة من الحلول المصممة لك
نحن ندعمك في كل مرحلة من المراحل  من خلال حل خدماتنا.
ندعمك في  كل مرحلة 
أريد قيادة سيارة «سيتروين»
سهولة الشراء
اكتشف سهولة الشراء من خلال موقعنا او من خلال زيارة معارضنا
الضمان الممتد
اكتشف الصيانة والضمان الممتد من خدماتنا
Easy way to use
Driving tips or Finding the best rated dealers. Offline booking and services 24/7. Being reinsured by Video Check... All our services to make your life easier.
Our expert technicians will inspect and repair your vehicule and provide you with manufacturer's warrantied service packs and inspections.
Connected services
Navigate the roads in with a wide selection of connected amenities. Safe, fun and useful, they will take you to unforgettable places. 
Personalize your vehicule with the range of original accessories offered
I want to be more Citizen
Easy way to impact
Be rewarded when having a responsible driving. Repairing with recyclable parts. Always use the best potential of charging. All our services to make your life easier.
Simple, Seamless, Smart, Making it easy to always have your vehicule charged, with simple and affordable charging solutions from Free2Move Charge for Home on the Go
Meet your mobility needs with our innovative offers and a wide range of available cars, from one minute to 12 months.